Friday, February 21, 2014

Wine Festival 2014

Last Shabbos we went to the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Karlinsky's house and he told us about this Kosher Wine Festival at the Jerusalem Convention Center. So Wednesday night Baruch and I went. Of course since he is not a wine drinker it was more for me but he actually tried a few wines and a liqueur. It was a lot of fun! We bought a few bottles and we got to keep the wine glasses! (Always a plus.. we didn't have any yet) so here's a few pictures from Wednesday! :)

On our way to the festival :) Bright sun behind us!

It was about a 30 minute walk.. I got bored :-P Baruchs face is priceless "really Cari?"
 Brett drinking wine?!? ;)

 I want the big girl bottle please :)

Our purchases :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


So I have a few pictures I got from a friend on Facebook from the Tiyul & thought I'd post them on here :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Old City Tiyul!

So my Tiyul today was to the Old City! We walked along the outer walls & it was amazing! We then visited King Davids Tomb to Daven before making our way to the Kotel. This post will probably be mostly pictures :)


Probably my favorite picture of the whole trip :) Thanks Helen for making it awesome! 

A Holocaust museum that was put together by survivors who all brought pieces of their lives and contributed stuff to make this museum. We did not get a chance to go in (so that is on my to do list next trip to the Old City)

I'm just going to say this because I don't want to confuse anyone: Yes, I am jewish but I love the history behind everything! & I took these pictures for my friends and family who I know will appreciate them :)

These are pictures of the room where it is said that the last supper took place. They were filming something inside at the moment so that's why you'll see cameras and lights in some of the pictures. 

 Getting closer!! Everyone was so amazing. My first trip to the Kotel and I had so many people cheering me on, I could've been going anywhere and been excited with these girls help :)
 At the entrance!!! Crazy to think that these walls in these photos are over 2000 years old!

B'H I finally made it to the Kotel! I can't even begin to tell you how it felt to finally be in front of the wall. It was love at first sight! If you've ever read a romance novel, and you read about that flutter inside that goes along with love at first sight. That pretty much sums up my feelings when the wall first came into view. It was like breath was blown into me and it was the most spiritual moment & experience of my entire life. I can't wait to go back!

 Time to leave :( Here are some pictures I took on my way out of the Old City.

 Until Next time!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

 Sorry we haven't updated in a while! Here it is :)

We spent last shabbos in Kiryat Sefer with the Rosh Yeshiva of Darche Noam/Shapell's. It was an hour bus ride there (which was quite an experience for the first time) It was really nice, him and his wife were amazing hosts for us.

Picture from where we stayed

Tiyul Yesterday!
&& Now for my tiyul/trip to the Negev (Desert)! First picture I took from the bus :)

Our first stop was at this place where we can collect rock dust of different colors in a bottle. Unfortunately mine got shook up and so it's not so pretty anymore. But I got lots of beautiful pictures to post! 

 Some of the girls from MRC collecting rock dust^

After we left here we did a little hike that some guy told us about, we took a vote and decided to just do it :) It was amazing to see water in the middle of the desert because of all the snow they had previously. Unfortunately, I don't have those pictures yet (my friend took them since I forgot my camera for this part of the trip). After this we ate lunch and then went to our next hike (which was more like mountain climbing) and was amazing!

The starting point! :) 
 Some girls from MRC (I took this photo from a friend. I'm not in it so don't try looking for me.. you won't find me:) I was at the beginning)

Yeah like I said rock climbing (with a little help from some ladders at least) 

 Took this one a little ways up.

 & then we went up some more

 & up some more :) 

 This is part of car that ended up here from a flash flood.. We saw a few of them a long the way.

 Almost to the top!

& We did it! My friend Helen and I with the beautiful view from the top! It was a little foggy so you can't see from the pictures but we could see the Jordan mountains from where we were.

After our hike we went to the dead sea. Which was pretty amazing! I wish the water wasn't so cold and that the sun wasn't setting by the time we got there. I almost didn't go in but everyone said since it was my first time I had to! So I finally did (briefly) & it was very cool. I just had to sit back and my feet came right up form under me! Here are a few pictures from the bus of the salty water.